Getamped 2 crescent generator
Getamped 2 crescent generator

getamped 2 crescent generator

You can either one of the preset 100 logo (shown right and below) use or your create a own logo (eg color). It will then appear left of the guild name.

  • The leader of a guild can upload a guild logo (also guild characters) once the guild reaches level at least 3 is.
  • PS:trebuie sa cauti pe google imagini de marimea 16 x 12 astea sunt bune altfel nu-ti merge. Mersi mult! Pai intri in folder la metin2 ro si e un folder care se numeste upload si acolo salvezi o simbolul si apare direct cand vrei sa adaugi un simbol la breasla bft.


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  • Rezultate 1-8 pentru upload pentru breasla metin2 download iconite.
  • Click on the Image icon on the top of the window and enter the image. Now there are two options: Write the image name and then use the mark ] tags and then click on the Image button on the top of the editor options. Find the position you want the image to be placed.
  • Go to the page you want to insert the image and click on the edit tab.
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  • Rezultate 1 - 20 pentru download icon 16x12 upload guild metin2.
  • Daca tutorialul va fost de folos o sa mai fac:.
  • Included are 2862 guild emblems, which must be placed in the Emblem folder of your Ragnarok directory.
  • Here's a re-upload of a pack I found a while ago - I take no credit for it whatsoever.
  • getamped 2 crescent generator

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    Getamped 2 crescent generator