Lucious actually quips to his son that he will see who is bigger, God or himself, Andre's daddy as he says in the video. Meanwhile, Howard's character can be seen scheming against heaven, coming up against Jennifer Hudson's counseling character that takes Andre to church to help him deal with his bipolar issues. Missing out on raising their three sons for a large and pivotal part of their lives, Cookie keeps her trysts with the bodyguard a big secret from her estranged husband. Lucious has decided that he wants Cookie back, a woman who took the fall as his wife and went to jail for 17 years to cover for both of their wrongdoings. The sneak peek season one finale video of Empire shows Henson speaking about her character needing a break from Lucious and all his schemes, which have increased now that his "boo boo kitty" was exposed as a backstabber.

Henson's Cookie going off to a lovely cabin with with Antwone Fisher star Derek Luke, and discovering what it's like to be with someone other than Terrence Howard's character - a ruthless guy who is still up to his old tricks in the final episode, pitting one son against another - and even taking on God himself.
The Empire TV show on Fox Network came on the scene like gangbusters, and the video below looks at the season finale, two-hour episode, "Die But Once." In the video, which has gone viral on YouTube, we see Taraji P.