Ps3 medal of honor game
Ps3 medal of honor game

ps3 medal of honor game

I know it adds to the realism and that's a good thing but I don't like how you can't tell whether your actually hitting someone or not, (there are no cross-hairs like in COD). The shouting physics are good, but it's annoying how the snipers are really weak. I hate how it tries to impress you with the really high quality cut scenes when the actually game play is not nearly as good quality. I hate how it tries to impress you with the really high quality cut scenes The graphics are kinda good for it's time, although not amazing. The graphics are kinda good for it's time, although not amazing. do yourself an honour, by this game, it is well worth the money and will keep you more entertained than any other game you currrently have. the maps on dm are small and tight, making for some furious gameplay and run-and-gun action, and the conquest style mission mode maps are huge, i say again, by the power of greyskull, why is this game being flamed. i sh!t you not, i started playing the multiplayer at around 10 pm, played a few rounds, got lost in the game, looked outside and it was day. multiplayer is not battlefield 2 bad company. Do you remember that feeling? that epic feeling? it got better with age. I havent been thrilled like this with medal of honour since the days of frontline on the ps2, storming the beaches at normandy on that first level.

ps3 medal of honor game

those poor buggers at danger close, putting in all this effort to completely rework the war franchise and medal of honour gets put down because lets face it, its medal of honour. I have made an account just to write this review in hopes that people wont fall for this **** thats been cracking around metacritic and most reviewing sites. i dont know what the sh!t people are talking about with these reviews. this game is drop dead gorgeous, always a beauty to look at from start to finish. Whenever theres a lull in the gameplay your always entertained with the spectacular atmosphere and surroundings. This is the first realistic war game that doesnt bore with realism. much like a real war, it can sometimes take one very strategically placed bullet from and an advantaged position and your out of the game. there is sometimes so much going on it becomes very easy to die. i didnt fight my way through the maps i sort of flowed through them on a tidal wave of hail and bullets. gameplay can only be described in one word, flow. There are a few texture pops, but no screen tears or signs that the console cant handle the engine, so all in all it runs smoother than the bonnet of a porsche. the singleplayer is not flawless, but no game in the history of game development ever is. its time to move on, move ahead and move foward, and the beacon showing us the way spells M.O.H. nobody likes change, but cmon, call of duty black ops better be brand spanking original or im going to be pissed, you can only ride the same train for so long until you run out of stations. this game should be praised on all levels for the orginality and substance that it brings to the war game scene. this game should be praised on all levels for the orginality and substance that it brings to the war there is something fishy going on here.

Ps3 medal of honor game